Okay! Let's get your Hustle Blackbaud integration set up! You will need to have administrative permissions in Blackbaud Luminate Online and organization or account admin permissions in Hustle to complete the steps below.
Connecting Blackbaud Luminate Online to Hustle
Authorize Hustle in Blackbaud Luminate Online
Allow Blackbaud Luminate Online to Connect to Hustle
Set data map for Hustle → Blackbaud Luminate Online
Link Blackbaud Luminate Online Group to a Hustle Group
Set data map for Hustle -> TeamRaiser
Connecting Blackbaud Luminate Online to Hustle
NOTE: We recommend having two Chrome browser tabs open to complete the steps below. In one tab, log into your Blackbaud Luminate Online admin account. In the other, log into your Hustle admin account.
Authorize Hustle in Blackbaud Luminate Online
- Log in to Blackbaud Luminate Online as a system administrator.
- On the Administrator homepage, go to Setup on the menu, and choose Site Options.
- On the Site Options screen click the Open API Configuration tab.
- Copy the API Key (under Configure API Keys). If there is no API key set click Edit API Keys and create one.
- Click Edit server API configuration.
- Add the Hustle IP address range to the IP White List:,, and
- Create or select an API Administrative Account. You will use the username and password on this page to create your integration in Hustle.
- Return to the Open API Configuration tab
- Copy the URL of your instance e.g. https://secure2.convio.net/myorg
- Copy the URL of your Blackbaud Luminate Online WebServices. E.g. https://webservices.cluster2.convio.net/1.0/myorg
- Click Edit WebService configuration.
- Add the Hustle IP address range to the IP White List for WebServices:,, and
NOTE: If Web Services are not enabled for your account contact Blackbaud Luminate Online Support to have them enabled.
Allow Blackbaud Luminate Online to Connect to Hustle
- Create or navigate into an organization within your Hustle account.
- Select Integrations from the left side menu.
- Select Add Integration on the Blackbaud Luminate Online tile.
- Select Add Integration.
- You will be prompted to fill in a form. The fields are as follows:
Username -- this is your API Administrative Account username from step 1g.
Password -- this is your API Administrative Account password from step 1g.
Name of Instance -- this is the name by which we will refer to your Blackbaud Luminate Online instance in Hustle. You can set it to any name but we recommend you use a name that is easy to recognize for anyone who will be using Hustle.
URL -- Paste the URL of your Blackbaud Luminate Online (instance from above in step 9, https://secure2.convio.net/myorg).
API Key -- Paste the API key from step 4 above when authorizing Hustle in Blackbaud Luminate Online.
WebServices URL - Paste the WebServices URL from step 10 above (https://webservices.cluster2.convio.net/1.0/myorg)
- Select the box to acknowledge the Terms and Conditions notice.
NOTE: Click on the T&C link to view the notice in full.
- Select Authenticate.
Set data map for Hustle → Blackbaud Luminate Online
You will need to create any Hustle custom fields that you want to use for this data map in advance to setup. You can choose to setup your data mapping immediately after authenticating your credentials in Part 1 or come back to do this step later.
If you perform this step immediately after authenticating your API credentials in Part 1, Connecting Blackbaud Luminate Online to Hustle, select Set Data Mapping from the success screen.
If you are returning to do this some time after authentication, then you will need to follow this path -- navigate to the Integrations > Select Edit Integration in the Blackbaud Luminate Online tile > Click on the three dot menu next to the instance name > Select Update Data Mapping.
- In Blackbaud Luminate Online, navigate to the integration types list with interaction type IDs displayed.
- In Hustle, select Set Data Mapping:
- Import: determine where constituent field data from Blackbaud Luminate Online will be stored on contacts in Hustle. Select the Blackbaud Luminate Online field on the left and map it to a Hustle custom field on the right.
- Export: determine how specific activity in Hustle is exported to Blackbaud Luminate Online:
- Opt Outs: set the Blackbaud Luminate Online constituent opt out field to receive the status update when a contact opts out of receiving texts from Hustle.This is optional, but highly recommended.
- Hustle Message Sent & Received: Hustle can send message data back to Blackbaud Luminate Online as an interaction record on a Blackbaud Luminate Online constituent profile. Use these fields to set the desired interaction type for outbound (sent from Hustle to constituent) and inbound (received by Hustle from constituent). Copy and paste the interaction type ID from Blackbaud Luminate Online into the field to set the mapping.
Link Blackbaud Luminate Online Group to a Hustle Group
The last step of this integration setup will allow you to easily import constituents from Blackbaud Luminate Online to Hustle. Also, by linking groups, it is then very easy to keep your Hustle group in sync with any updates or changes to the group in Blackbaud Luminate Online.
- In Blackbaud Luminate Online, confirm the name and ID of the group you want to link to Hustle
- In Hustle, select the Hustle group that you want to link to a Blackbaud Luminate Online group from the left side menu. If you want to create a new group for this step, select Add Group.
- Click on the Contacts tab in the top navigation bar.
- Select the Link from Blackbaud Luminate Online Group option.
- Select the Blackbaud Luminate Online group you want to link to from the drop down menu.
- Select Submit. Hustle will then import constituents from your Blackbaud Luminate Online group into the Hustle group.
NOTE: Hustle has a limit of 100k numbers per group. Contacts can have multiple numbers in BBLO which can import into Hustle and count towards the 100k limit.
Once the import is complete, your Hustle group and Blackbaud Luminate Online group will be linked! You can now refresh the group data in Hustle at anytime so that it matches that in your Blackbaud Luminate Online group. To do this, go the Contacts tab and select click the 'Refresh Group' button.
Set data map for Hustle -> TeamRaiser
Admins can set up Hustle custom fields that you want to map with your data from TeamRaiser.
- In the Hustle admin panel, navigate to Integrations on the left side menu and select the BlackBaud Luminate tile.
- Click the '...' next to your Blackbaud instance.
- Select 'Update TeamRaiser Data Mapping'
- Ensure the integration API user that authenticates the connection between Hustle and BBLO has permission to access data from TeamRaiser.
- The API Administrator account used to call Server API methods must belong to an Administrative Security Group having "TeamRaiser API User" permission under the "TeamRaiser Management" permission type. The built-in "API Administrators" group does not have this permission by default so admins will need to manually set this up.