Salesforce (SFDC) helps organizations and businesses keep track of the various communications they've had with clients. Hustle's integration with Salesforce syncs the messages that agents have with contacts in Hustle back to Salesforce.
Information that gets synced includes messages, lead actions, tags, as well as contacts, and their opt-out status.
For more information about Salesforce, see Salesforce's article on lead management.
Skip to:
- How do I connect Hustle with Salesforce?
- How do I sync Hustle organizations with SFDC?
- How do I import contacts with Salesforce?
- How do I push changes in SFDC to Hustle?
- How do I connect Salesforce with multiple Hustle organizations?
- Where does Hustle data show up in Salesforce?
- Frequently asked questions
How do I connect Hustle with Salesforce?
• Hustle organizations can only connect to one Salesforce account.
• One Salesforce account can connect to multiple Hustle organizations.
• To connect Hustle with SFDC you’ll need to have the Download AppExchange Packages permission in Salesforce.
To connect your Hustle organizations with Salesforce:
- Go to Hustle with Salesforce and install the Hustle Salesforce app.
Once the app is installed, open the Hustle setup app in the Salesforce App Launcher.
Click Authorize (Or Reauthorize if you've previously authenticated the SFDC app):
Click Authorize to allow data to be shared between Hustle and Salesforce.
- When prompted, log in with the credentials of a Salesforce user to authorize the integration (you may need to re-enter the user’s password)
- Wait for the green Your Salesforce Organization information has been sent. banner > Click Finish.
The Hustle organization is now connected to Salesforce. Before data can sync between a Hustle org and Salesforce, admins need to add organizations and map the data fields in the Hustle orgs with the fields in Salesforce. For more details, see How do I sync Hustle organizations with SFDC?
How do I sync Hustle organizations with SFDC?
Once you've authorized your Hustle organization with SFDC, you can begin setting up how Contact and Lead records in Salesforce sync with fields in Hustle organizations during Campaign imports.
To sync additional information (e.g. State, City, etc.) from SFDC to Hustle, admins need to create custom fields in Hustle so the additional information can be imported into groups. For more information on custom fields, see How do I use Custom fields?
Any custom fields that need to sync between Hustle and Salesforce will also need to be manually mapped and configured on the Field Mappings page.
Note: Fields mapped on the Field Mapping page only affect Campaign imports. For SFDC Reports, admins will be prompted in Hustle to map fields whenever they begin to import an SFDC Report.
To sync Hustle organization with SFDC:
- Log into and open the Hustle organization you want to integrate with SFDC.
- Click Integrations on the left side of the screen > Add Integration under Salesforce.
Click the Add Integration button to obtain your Hustle API Key and Secret key.
Note: Click Copy under the keys to copy and paste them easily.
Note: Click Copy under the keys to copy and paste them easily.
Open the Hustle setup app in the Salesforce App Launcher.
Click Add Org.
- If you see your Hustle organization's name listed under Hustle Org Name, click Field Mapping and skip to step 8.
- If you see your Hustle organization's name listed under Hustle Org Name, click Field Mapping and skip to step 8.
- Enter your API key and Secret key > Validate.
Wait for the green Success! banner confirming the organization has been successfully integrated > Next.
Using the drop-down menus under Salesforce, choose which Contact Objects in Salesforce and which fields in Hustle will sync during Campaign imports. (The Enable mapping switch needs to be Active for changes to take effect)
Note: Click + Add Mapping to map additional custom fields in Hustle with Contact Objects in Salesforce during Campaign imports.
Note: Click + Add Mapping to map additional custom fields in Hustle with Contact Objects in Salesforce during Campaign imports.
- Click Finish once you’ve completed mapping Contact Objects in Salesforce with fields in Hustle.
Click Lead once you see a confirmation that the changes have been saved.
Using the drop-down menus under Salesforce, choose which Lead Objects in Salesforce and which fields in Hustle will sync during Campaign imports. (The Enable mapping switch needs to be Active for changes to take effect)
Note: Click + Add Mapping to map additional custom fields in Hustle with Contact Objects in Salesforce during Campaign imports.
Note: Click + Add Mapping to map additional custom fields in Hustle with Contact Objects in Salesforce during Campaign imports.
- Click Finish once you’ve completed mapping Lead objects in Salesforce with fields in Hustle > Next.
You can confirm the changes have been made by logging into and:
- Updating a group that already has contacts from an SFDC Campaign.
- Creating a new group and importing a Campaign or Report. For instructions on how to create a new group, see Adding Groups.
Contacts and their data from SFDC will now show up in Hustle on the Contacts tab, based on how fields were mapped in the Hustle app for Salesforce.
How do I import contacts with Salesforce?
Once a Hustle organization has been integrated with Salesforce, admins will be able to add contacts to empty Hustle groups using Salesforce Campaigns or Reports.
Hustle only imports Contact and/or Lead records from Salesforce; SFDC person records can’t be imported. Additionally, only saved public reports will be available to import from Salesforce, so admins need to save reports before they’ll show up in Hustle.
Only one Campaign/Report can be connected to a Hustle group. There are also some limits to how many contacts you can import into Hustle from SFDC; Salesforce limits imports to:
- 2,000 contact/lead records per SFDC Report
- 100,000 contact/lead records per SFDC Campaign
• After contacts have been added from Salesforce, no contacts outside of the synced Salesforce Campaign or Report can be added to that group in Hustle
• Admins won’t be able to deactivate contacts in Hustle groups connected to SFDC; admins will need to remove contacts in SFDC to deactivate contacts in Hustle.
• Salesforce can’t be used to add leads to a group that already has contacts added in a different way. (e.g. VAN, CSV, BBLO, etc.)
To import contacts with the Salesforce integration:
Login to and open the group you want to add contacts to.
- For instructions on how to create a new group, see Adding Groups.
Click the Contacts tab > Add contacts.
Under Salesforce click Add via Campaign or Add via Report.
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Adding contacts via SFDC Campaigns
When admins click Add via Campaign, they’ll be prompted to choose a Campaign from SFDC to import:
Choose an SFDC Campaign from the drop-down menu (you can search for the Campaign by name or Campaign ID) and click Next > Submit.
A message will appear letting admins know the contacts in their SFDC Campaign are in the middle of getting imported into the group.
It can take up to 5 minutes to import an SFDC Campaign into Hustle. While the SFDC Campaigns is importing, admins can:
- Invite agents to groups and update their information. For more information, see How do I add Hustle agents?
- Create goals and save them as drafts to launch at a later time. For more information, see How do I save a Hustle goal as a draft?
Once the import is complete, the records from SFDC will appear in Hustle as configured on the Field Mapping page in the Hustle app for Salesforce.
Click the icon to show/hide any additional fields that were configured in SFDC. For more information about managing contacts in Hustle, see How do I manage contacts in Hustle?
Adding contacts via SFDC Reports
When admins click Add via Report, they’ll be prompted to choose a report from SFDC to import:
Choose an SFDC Report from the drop-down menu (You can search for the Report by name) and click Next.
Hustle will import the contact data from the SFDC Report into the group for review and mapping.
Admins will need to review the headers of the columns and use the drop-down menus to map the required headers to the right columns in the report. Required headers include:
- First name
- Last name
- Phone number
Additionally, custom fields are available in the drop-down menus to map and import additional data:
Please note that this integration only supports the import of string type fields from SFDC to Hustle custom fields.
Note: While importing contacts via an SFDC Report, admins cannot assign agents or apply tags to contacts during the import.
Once you’re done mapping headers, click Import Report > Accept and Import Contacts.
Click the icon to show/hide any additional fields that were configured in SFDC. For more information about managing contacts in Hustle, see How do I manage contacts in Hustle?
How do I push changes in SFDC to Hustle?
For any changes in SFDC to show up in Hustle, (e.g. a phone number or name change) an admin needs to open the group in the admin panel and manually update the Campaign/Report.
To update a Campaign/Report:
- Login to and open the organization with the Hustle group.
- On the left, click Groups and open the group connected to the Campaign/Report.
- Click the Contacts tab.
- On the right, click Update Campaign/Update Report
Note: Campaigns/Reports in Hustle can only be updated once an hour. So if information is changed in SFDC after an update is requested, the change won’t show until another refresh can be requested an hour later.
How do I connect Salesforce with multiple Hustle organizations?
To integrate your Salesforce instance with more than one Hustle organization:
Open the Hustle setup app in the Salesforce App Launcher.
Click Add Org.
Enter the API key and Secret key from the Hustle organization you're integrating > Validate.
- Wait for the green Success! banner confirming the organization has been successfully authorized > Next.
You'll be prompted to map the fields of the organization; for details on how to map the fields of a Hustle organization with SFDC, see step 8 in How do I sync Hustle organizations with SFDC?
To verify the integration has been set up, open your Hustle organization and click Integrations on the left side menu. The Salesforce integration should now show another Active SFDC instance in your Hustle organization’s Integrations menu.
Where does Hustle data show up in Salesforce?
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For peer-to-peer Hustle goals and Broadcast messages, all message activity will sync to Salesforce as Tasks under Activity History on the Contact/Lead record.
One task will sync to SFDC for every message sent to and received from the lead.
Clicking on the task link under Subject will provide more detail from Hustle about the sent/received message including the full text of the message and when it was sent.
Tags sync to Salesforce based on how your SFDC instance is configured to display tag data from Hustle.
By default, tag data syncs over as custom Lead Tag objects in Salesforce. Every tag applied to the contact will sync over as an individual Lead Tag object. How Lead Tag objects are named gets configured and generated in SFDC.
Clicking on a link under LeadTag Name will provide more detail about the tag that was applied including the tag’s name and when it was applied.
Lead actions
Lead actions sync to Salesforce based on how your SFDC instance is configured to display lead action data from Hustle.
By default, lead action data syncs over as custom Lead Action objects in Salesforce. Every lead action marked for the contact will sync over as an individual Lead Action object. How Lead Action objects are named gets configured and generated in SFDC.
Clicking on a link under LeadAction Name will provide more detail about the lead action including the lead action type, when it was marked, and which agent marked the lead action in Hustle.
Opt-outs appear in Salesforce based on how your SFDC instance is configured to display opt-out data from Hustle.
By default, if a contact has opted out, the opt-out will appear as a checkmark on the Contact/Lead’s record in Salesforce next to a custom field called Opt Out.
Frequently asked questions
Skip to:
- What happens when I remove contacts in SFDC?
- What happens when I update contacts in SFDC?
- How do I grant access to the Hustle app in SFDC?
- How do I reauthorize access to the Hustle app in SFDC?
What happens when I remove contacts in SFDC?
When contacts get removed from Salesforce, after the admin updates the Campaign/Report in Hustle, the contact’s record in Hustle will be deactivated.
Admins can filter the Contacts tab in Hustle by Status to get a list of all the inactive contacts in their group:
For more information about managing contacts, see How do I manage contacts in Hustle?
What happens when I update contacts in SFDC?
When admins make changes to leads in Salesforce, the updates won’t reflect in Hustle until the Campaign/Report is updated in Hustle.
For instructions on how to update a Campaign/Report in Hustle, see How do I push changes in SFDC to Hustle?
If the phone number of a contact gets changed in Salesforce, after the admin updates the Campaign/Report in Hustle, the contact record with the old number will be deactivated in Hustle; a brand new contact record with the contact’s name and new number will get created in Hustle for the updated number.
Note: This new contact record will be considered a brand new number in Hustle and won’t have any of the deactivated records data. (Tags, Notes, Follow-ups, etc.)
How do I grant access to the Hustle app in SFDC?
Salesforce users need to be granted permission in Salesforce to use and set up the Hustle Salesforce app.
To give SFDC users the permissions to use the Hustle SFDC app:
- Log into the Salesforce instance where you have the Hustle Salesforce app installed.
- Click the gear icon (
) in the top right > Setup.
- In the Quick Find box on the left, type Users > towards the bottom, click Users.
- Click on the Full Name of the user you want to grant access to.
- Scroll down and next to Permission Set Assignments, click Edit Assignments.
- Click Hustle Permissions on the left > click the right arrow (
) to add the permission.
- Click Save.
For additional information on setting permission assignments, see the following Salesforce help article: Assign Permission Sets to a Single User
Note: Any account changes (e.g. password changes) to the SFDC user that authorized an integration in the Hustle SFDC app can cause service interruptions. To avoid interruptions, we strongly recommend granting these permissions to a user in Salesforce, whose account info won't change.
How do I reauthorize access to the Hustle app in SFDC?
If the user that set up the Hustle SFDC integration makes changes to their SFDC account, (e.g. changing their password, getting removed from the org, etc.) the Hustle SFDC app loses authorization to update Salesforce, which results in interruptions with the Hustle SFDC integration.
If this user makes changes to their SFDC account, to avoid any interruptions, and to continue using the Hustle SFDC app, any user with access to the Hustle SFDC app will need to Reauthorize the integration.
To grant a user access to Hustle's setup managed package see: How do I grant access to the Hustle app in SFDC?
To reauthorize an SFDC integration:
- Log into the Salesforce instance where you have the Hustle Salesforce app installed.
- Go to the Hustle SFDC app in Salesforce > click Authorize (Or Reauthorize if you've previously authenticated the SFDC app):
- Click Authorize to allow data to be shared between Hustle and Salesforce.
- When prompted, log in with the credentials of a Salesforce user to authorize the integration (you may need to re-enter the user’s password)
Wait for the green Your Salesforce Organization information has been sent. banner > Click Finish.
Note: To avoid any interruptions, we strongly recommend creating a user in Salesforce, whose account info and credentials won't change