Organization admins have access to all of the settings of organizations they’re administrators of. Settings changed by organization and account admins affect all groups within the organizations. For more information about admin roles, see What are the different Hustle admin roles?
Note: If an org admin can’t do one of the following, contact the account admin to review the settings of the organization and account.
Skip to:
- How do I see what organizations I’m an admin of?
- How do I create an organization?
- How do I create a group?
- How do I add a group phone number to send messages from?
- How do I delete a group?
- How do I add an organization admin?
- How do I remove an organization admin?
- How do I change the vocabulary of the organization?
- How do I setup custom fields?
- How do I create a tag?
- How do I manage tag visibility?
- How do I register for 10DLC?
- How do I set up tags to sync to NGP VAN?
- How do I set up an integration?
- How do I turn on hours of operation?
- Advanced options
- MMS Protection Setting
- Response window
- How do I export my organization’s data?
How do I see what organizations I’m an admin of?
If you have access to more than one org in an account, they’ll be listed in the Organizations page.
You can find the Organizations page by clicking your initials in the top right > Organizations.
You can see a high level overview of the orgs you’re an admin of and search for specific orgs using the search bar.
Note: If you’re only the admin of one organization, you’ll only see one org listed here.
How do I create an organization?
Organization admins cannot create organizations. To create a new organization, contact your account admin.
How do I create a group?
Groups hold specific sets of agents who send messages and contacts who receive them. When creating groups, admins give the group a name and a location. The group's location determines the time zone that applies when Hours of Operation is enabled for the organization.
- To create a group, from the admin panel click Groups > Add group
- Enter the requested information:
- Group Name: The name of the group you want to create.
Location: The location determines the timezone applied to the group for hours of operation.
- Click Add Group to create the Group.
How do I add a group phone number to send messages from?
After creating a group, admins must add a phone number for the group to send messages from. To add a phone number for the group, admins can follow the prompts from the Goals page or go to Group Settings > Phone Settings > Get Phone Number. See How do I set up a group's phone number? for more detailed steps.
How do I delete a group?
You can’t delete groups in Hustle; this lets admins audit the data for all their groups in Hustle. However, you can hide or archive your group.
For more information, see How do I delete a group in Hustle?
How do I add an organization admin?
To add an org. admin, in the admin panel, go to Settings > Administrators:
- To make an existing member of the org. an org. admin, search for the admin in the drop down menu under Grant access to an existing member.
- To invite a new org. admin, click Invite a new admin and enter the name and number of the admin.
How do I remove an organization admin?
To remove an organization administrator, in the admin panel, go to Settings > Administrators.
Click the Admin options (...) next to the admins name > Remove as admin.
How do I change the vocabulary of the organization?
The vocabulary used in the organization, (agent, contact, texter, lead, worker, etc.) can be changed in the organization’s Settings.
To change it, click the text box and change the text > scroll down the page and click Save.
This will change how the admin panel displays the names of your agents and leads so it aligns more with the relationship between your organization and the individuals you’ll be messaging.
Note: Refresh your browser window to see the changes.
How do I set up custom fields?
Org admins can use custom fields to personalize conversations by including person-specific information into the body of a message, target and segment audiences, as well as make this information available to agents so they have more context for who they’re messaging. For more information about custom fields, see How do I use custom fields?
How do I create a tag?
Org admins can create tags, which are a helpful way to target audiences and collect data about your contacts as your agents message contacts. For more information about tags, see How do I use tags?
How do I manage tag visibility?
To set where tags are visible:
- Go to the Tags panel.
- Add the tags you wish to add as either:
- Contact profile: This is the default use for tags. Contact profile tags are the tags agents will use when they are Hustling. Contact profile tags are for pieces of information you want your agents to be able to collect about contacts (donor, volunteer, etc).
- Opt-out reason: Tags that are used when a contact opts-out. Opt-out reasons can be noted by the agent to help you better understand why your contacts are opting out (wrong number, moved, etc). For more information, see How can I record an opt-out reason?
Admin eyes only: Tags that will only be available to admins. These tags are often used to change the targeting filter of goals.
How do I register for 10DLC?
By default, only account admins can register for 10DLC in Hustle. For more information on the different Hustle admin roles, see What are the different Hustle admin roles?
Account admins can configure the settings of their account so organization admins can also register brands and/or campaigns for the organizations they’re admins of.
For more information see Who can register for 10DLC with Hustle?
For instructions on how to register for 10DLC see How do organization admins register for 10DLC?
How do I set up tags to sync to NGP VAN?
To set up tags to push data to NGP VAN:
- In the admin panel click Tags.
- Click Edit next to the tag you want to sync to VAN.
- Choose the VAN Activist Code, VAN Survey Question, or VAN Canvass Result.
- Click Save. Now when a tag is applied to a contact the corresponding activist code, survey question, or canvass result will be applied to the contact's profile in VAN.
Note: Only one response, per survey question, will be pushed to VAN. If there are multiple responses, only the most recent survey response will be pushed to VAN.
How do I set up an integration?
Hustle has a number of integrations with databases that allow you to share the data you collect in Hustle with those databases and vice versa. For more information about integrations, see Integrations.
How do I turn on hours of operation?
Organization admins can specify the hours agents can message contacts by enabling Hours of Operation.
For more information see How do I enable hours of operation?
Advanced options
Settings changed in an organization’s advanced options apply to every group in the organization.
Note: Inbound routing numbers are the only setting that doesn’t apply to every group. If an inbound routing number is set for both an organization and a group, the group’s inbound routing number will be used.
- Do not show popups that interrupt agent workflows: Blocks the Rapid Responder from alerting agents to replies from contacts when an agent is using the web app. This won’t affect agents using the mobile app.
- Allow group administrators to add contacts via CSV upload: Lets group admins add CSV files of contacts to groups they have admin rights to. This does not stop admins from adding contacts using integrations.
- Allow group administrators to export group level data: Lets group admins export goal, contact, and message tables for their group.
- Allow group administrators to create tags when importing a list via an integration: Lets group admins create and assign new tags when importing contacts into Hustle via an integration. For more information about what group admins can do when importing form VAN, see What can group admins do?
- Track phone calls for “Legislative Contact” goal types: Adds a metric to the admin dashboard showing how many contacts clicked on an invitation to call their legislator directly from their Hustle conversation (we recommend leaving this on).
- Inbound Routing Number: Sets an org-level phone number to route phone calls if any contact calls the Hustle number that has texted them.
MMS protection setting
The MMS Protection Setting controls whether or not inbound media messages (images, gifs, video) are immediately visible in conversations.
Note: Account admins can override an organization's MMS Protection Settings on the Account Overview page. For more information, see How do I manage harmful content?
Response window
The Response Window is for the Anyone messaging strategy (commonly referred to as First-Come, First-Served, of FCFS). This setting lets admins set the time an unread message remains with an agent before it returns to the pool where any agent can message the contact. The default time is 20 minutes.
To read more about messaging strategies, see How do I use Hustle goals?
Note: The response window cannot be changed for a goal once the goal is launched.
How do I export my organization’s data?
Admins can download three types of exports from the organization-level exports:
- Actions: Actions (yes, no, etc.) that have been recorded for all goals in the organization with data about the contacts that took those actions like name, phone number and VAN IDs.
- Messages: All messages that have been sent and received within the organization with data like which agent sent the message, which contact replied, and what time the messages were sent.
- Leads: All contacts in the organization, organized by group, with data like custom fields, tags, and external (VAN) IDs.
For more information on what's included in Hustle's exports see Hustle admin exports dictionary
To export your organization’s data:
- From the admin panel, click Exports from the organization menu > Run export (or Update export if an export has been run previously)
- Depending on the amount of data, it may take a few minutes for the exports to complete. When ready, the page will update with Actions, Messages, and Leads exports.
Click one of the blue links to download the associated export.
- Click [zip] to download the export in a .zip file
- Click [gz] to download the export in a .gz file