This page provides a guide to the terms used throughout the Hustle messaging platform.
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10DLC is a messaging standard required by major US carriers. 10DLC only applies to organizations messaging in the U.S. (and U.S. territories) using 10-digit long code phone numbers.
Hustle Admins will need to take some steps in Hustle to register their messaging traffic with carriers in order to comply with the requirements of 10DLC. For more information, see What is 10DLC?
Text engagements using Hustle have three levels of administration: accounts, organizations and groups. Account administration is the highest level; multiple organizations are collected into accounts and managed by account admins. For more information, see What can account admins do?
Admins are the users responsible for adding agents, contacts, goals and other admins to Hustle. Admins direct outbound campaigns and set various permissions using the settings and options available to them. For more information, see What are the different Hustle admin roles?
Note: The managers of the text engagement are likely admins and can decide who else needs those permissions.
The three levels of admin permissions:
- Account admins manage accounts have the permissions to create orgs. and enable mms, as well as all other permissions. For more information, see What can account admins do?
- Organization admins have the permissions to change all of the settings in an organization. Settings changed by an organization admin can affect all groups in the organization. For more information, see What can organization admins do?
- Group admins can only edit group settings; this is limited to adding contacts, adding agents, and creating goals. More info on group admins can be found here: What can group admins do?
Admin Panel
The Admin Panel is where admins set up organizations, groups, create goals, add agents, download reports, etc. For more info, see Admin Quick Start.
Agents are the individuals in your org. who text and message contacts (leads). For info on how to add agents to groups, see How do I add agents to groups?
Assignment Strategy
The assignment strategy decides what agents will be in the goal and which contacts can message those agents.
Groups created on and after July 21, 2021 use the Shared strategy to distribute contacts to agents.
- In Shared groups, even if the contact is assigned or unassigned, there’s only one thread of conversation history between agents and the contact in the group. For more information about using Shared groups, see How do I use Shared groups?
In groups created before July 21, 2021, admins choose between two different assignment strategies, Anyone & Assigned to distribute contacts to agents while creating goals.
- In Anyone & Assigned groups, contacts use a mix of multiple, different threads, even if conversations are between the same agents and contacts in the group. For more information about using Anyone & Assigned groups, see What are the different ways agents can message contacts?
For the purposes of 10DLC, a TCR brand is defined as a legal entity with an Employer Identification Number or EIN. A brand is registered to inform carriers who is sending traffic to their subscribers.
For instructions on how to register TCR brands, see How do I register for 10DLC with Hustle?
Note: Brand registration alone has no implications for messaging traffic through Hustle. No traffic is moved to the 10DLC route until a brand registers campaigns and applies those campaigns to Hustle groups.
Broadcasts are outbound messaging campaigns where Hustle will deliver an initial message automatically to contacts in an organization who are targeted in a broadcast. Replies to broadcasts from contacts are available for review from the Inbox of the organization where the broadcast was launched. For more info about how to get broadcast, see How do I get Broadcast?
Broadcast Goal
Similar to P2P goals, a broadcast goal is where admins write the scripts they will use for messaging the contacts targeted in each broadcast. For more info on how to launch a broadcast goal, see How do I launch a broadcast?
For the purposes of 10DLC, TCR campaigns are defined as the use-cases or the kinds of messages brands text to audiences. (e.g. Marketing, Public Service Announcements, Political, Higher Education, etc.)
Campaigns are registered to inform carriers what type of traffic is being sent to their subscribers.
TCR has two classifications of campaigns available:
Special Use Case campaigns: Special Use Case campaigns are sensitive in nature and may require additional approval (e.g. Charity or political). Details around Special Use Case campaigns are still being worked on by the carrier ecosystem, and we will publish more information as it becomes available.
- Standard Use Case campaigns: The TCR campaigns that'll be available to all qualified brands.
For instructions on how to register TCR campaigns, see How do I register for 10DLC with Hustle?
Campaign Verify/CV Token
Campaign Verify is a TCR Vetting Partner, which some political entities can register with directly to qualify for higher rates of throughput by using the Political TCR campaign. It is optional, but highly encouraged for political entities that qualify to register with Campaign Verify prior to registering 10DLC campaigns. Check out our help article: What is 10DLC? for a detailed run through of 10dlc tips & requirements.
For more information about Campaign Verify specifically, see their website.
Custom Fields
A custom field allows admins to create another field in Hustle to store specific information about contacts. Custom fields can be set to be hidden from agents and used to segment audiences, or as a variable in scripts to personalize messages. This can include city, state, email, etc. For more information, see How do I use custom fields?
A new Hustle feature that allows agents to initiate calls with audience members ☎️
Hustle’s Dialer is currently in beta* and allows admins to launch Dialer Goals that prompt agents to call contacts using Call Scripts and send follow up text messages with Text Scripts or unscripted free responses.
Event Start Time / Shift Start Time / Target Date
The date and time that populates variables that you can use in scripts. This can change based on the type of your goal. For more info see How do I use Hustle goals?
Goals are outbound messaging campaigns, created by admins, where agents use pre-written scripts to start conversations with contacts in a group. Agents in the group send messages for goals using the web app or the mobile app. For more information, see How do I use Hustle goals?
Goal type
The type of form a goal uses; different forms (goal types) have different features available to them. For more information, see What are the types of goals?
Groups are where admins manage their agents, contacts, and launch goals. For more information, see What can groups admins do?
- Groups created on and after July 21, 2021 use the Shared strategy to distribute contacts to agents. For more information about using Shared groups, see How do I use Shared groups?
- In groups created before July 21, 2021, admins choose between two different assignment strategies, Anyone & Assigned to distribute contacts to agents while creating goals. For more information, see What are the different ways agents can message contacts?
Hustle mobile app
The Hustle app agents can download from the Apple iOS App Store or the Android Google Play Store to message contacts. For more information, see How do I text using the Hustle mobile app?
Hustle web app
The Hustle website agents can use to message contacts. To access the Hustle web app, log in to
The Inbox is where conversation threads from Automations, Broadcast goals, and Dialer goals are managed in Hustle! More information on Inboxes here: How do I used the Inbox?
A connection that can be setup between Hustle and a third party database. Note: At this time, Hustle only integrates with VAN, Salesforce, Blackbaud Luminate Online and Evertrue. For more information, see Integrations Help Articles
Keywords & Automations
Admins can setup specific words or phrases called Keywords that initiate one or more Hustle actions automatically. Automations refer to these keywords and their corresponding action(s).
For a detailed walkthrough of all these features have to offer see our help article, How do I use Keywords and Automations?
Leads are your contacts that your agents will be texting. Examples of leads include members, prospective donors, voters, etc. Note: In Hustle, the phone number is the unique identifier; one phone number equals one lead.
Lead Actions
The response agents mark when contacts reply with their answer to the goal (Yes, no, support, etc.). For more information, see How do I text using the Hustle web app?
Organizations hold and separate the different groups admins work in. Organizations are managed by org. and/or account admins. For more info, see What can organization admins do?
Personalized Clips
For Hustle organizations with personalized clips enabled, admins can require agents include short video recordings called personalized clips to accompany messages in an initial and/or reminder workflow. Personalized clips are uniquely recorded by an agent for each individual contact, unlike video clips which includes one video sent out to all targeted contacts in the goal.
Personalized clips are up to 15 seconds and only available when messaging via hustle’s web app.
For instructions on how to use the web app, see How do I text using the Hustle web app.
Pre-written messages drafted by admins that agents can use to text contacts. For more information see How do I write scripts?
Script Assistant
Script assistant is our exciting AI-powered feature to help you send out creative messages that catch people's attention by crafting unique scripts with the right tone for your audience, 🎉 When creating a new goal, Admins will set up scripts, or pre-written messages, that Agents (texters) will use to message contacts. For more info, check out How do I use the Script Assistant?
Hustle stories are a unique video messaging feature in Hustle Studio! For more details on what Studio has to offer, check out How do I get started with Hustle Studio?
Labels admins and agents can apply to contacts to capture data from conversations. For more information, see How do I use tags?
How a goal will segment and specify which contacts in a group agents will message. Goals can target contacts by tags, custom fields, or the results of previous goals (from the same group). For more information, see How do I target contacts in my goals?
A field that can be inserted into scripts, which auto-populates with information based on the contact and how the goal is set up. For more information, see How do I write scripts?
Video Clips
For Hustle organizations with MMS enabled, organization admins can add video clips to their organization for use in Hustle P2P goal scripts. How are video clips different than personalized clips? Video clips are one video sent out to all targeted contacts, while personalized clips are individual recordings made by an agent that are unique to each contact. Please see, How do I send video clips in Hustle? for step-by-step instructions!
Each goal is made up of two workflows, initial "to do" workflows and reply workflows. In these workflows, agents use pre-written scripts or personalized messages to start and respond to conversations. For more information, see How do I use Hustle goals?
- Reply workflows: Also known as response workflows; where agents reply to unread messages from contacts. For more information, see How do I text using the Hustle web app?
- To do workflows: Also known as initial workflows; where agents begin the conversation with contacts and send the first message. For more information, see How do I text using the Hustle web app?